Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and Crown Princess Maxima visit to Brazil, 4thday

Crown Princess Maxima and Crown Prince Willem-Alexander on the fourth day of their visit to Brazil. Princess Maxima and Prince Willem-Alexander on the 4th day of the 5 day visit to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ( Brazilie). Presentation of the Tulpi-parkchairs in the colours of the Beazilian flag with Lilianne Ploumen and mayor Eduardo Paesthe and Governor Sergio Cabral and designer Marco Manders.
Lilianne Ploumen and mayor Eduardo Paesthe and Governor Sergio Cabral and designer Marco Manders
Lilianne Ploumen and mayor Eduardo Paesthe and Governor Sergio Cabral and designer Marco Manders
Lilianne Ploumen and mayor Eduardo Paesthe and Governor Sergio Cabral and designer Marco Manders
Lilianne Ploumen and mayor Eduardo Paesthe and Governor Sergio Cabral and designer Marco Manders
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