Hello!! Here my new blog Newmyroyals

Many many thanks for your beatiful mails,wishes and motivates to me
I am so sorry about my first blog Myroyals remove from blogger team (I think I have a problems with photographers) But at the same time l feel very happy because that I took a lots of beautiful mails from my readers... I learnt I have beautiful friends around the world :))

Many many thanks for your beatiful mails,wishes and motivates to me

Here my new blog Newmyroyals and we are together again:))

I made a little bit change I add hollywood news too in my blog I think you like it ....

Please send me your option about new content. Do you like hollywood or not?

My new mail adress newsroyals@gmail.com

And new we are start again.

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Hi, your blog is great, thank you so much for coming back, I missed you a lot!!!

    I prefer that the contents focus only on the Royals, I don't like Hollywood!
    But, in any case, I love MYROYALS and MYNEWROYALS!!! :-)

  2. Glad to see you back. I echo the comment left above. I'd prefer just royals.

  3. Anonymous3/9/12 17:18

    Thank god, you're back - I missed your blog, you're the best at bringing updated photos of the royals:-)

    I'm not particularly interested in Hollywood, but it's your blog, so you should do as you please.

  4. Anonymous3/9/12 17:43

    Eu tb perfiro o royals, mas o hollywood tb pode vir, mas no meu caso não ajuda nada

  5. Bonjour contente de retrouver le blog sous une autre forme

    Pas trop de stars ou starlettes !

    Bonne continuation

  6. Coco from France3/9/12 19:04

    I love your blog and i m glad you are back!! I prefer royals but if you like hollywood go ahead it s your blog ( it also depends of what you put on hollywood, if you put pics of red carpet it will be very nice because i love to see the dresses)!!

  7. I am happy to see you back online. I too hope you will keep the focus on the Royals. You show care and respect in your posts and that is why so many people around the world come to your blog. Thany you for your dedication.

  8. Anonymous4/9/12 08:36

    thank G... you're back!!!!
    I take a look at your site every day. It is actually the first thing I do when I start my computer.

    Thank you for all the energy you put into this site.


  9. Anonymous4/9/12 08:58

    Great to find you again ! Your blog is fantastic... I too prefer the Royals and not so much Hollywood, but will follow you anyway.
    All the very best, with love from Paris

  10. Hello. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I am glad you are back for my daily visit to your site for Royal news. I am not interested in Hollywood really either....just the Royal news would be great - like the old blog.

  11. Anonymous4/9/12 10:22

    Very glad u come back and u're now online :)
    Bye from Switzerland, Sarah

  12. Hi! Happy that your back! I hope that you only will be writing about the royals, I don't like Hollywood.

  13. Great you are back! Its my evening ritual to read your blog - was missin it desperately :) all the best and take care

  14. Anonymous4/9/12 22:55

    I love your blog! Great to have you back. I know it's your blog but I'd like it to be just about royalty. There are thousands of blogs about Hollywood but very few as good as yours about royalty.

  15. I'm so glad you are back! I always had your old site open on my desktop and would refresh it now and then to see what was new, so I'm very happy to find you again!

  16. Anonymous5/9/12 02:39

    I am so happy you are back! You have the best photos and news of Royals. I'm more interested in Royalty than Hollywood.

  17. Anonymous5/9/12 16:17

    Glad you are back! I don't mind about Hollywood, though I prefer Royals :D

  18. Je suis heureuse de vous retrouver sur ce blogg car je regrettais vivement le précédent pour ses magnifiques photos. Je préfère les news des royals mais si vous mettez de beaux tapis rouges de hollywood pourquoi pas !
    merci pour ce blog

  19. Anonymous6/9/12 03:02

    So glad you're back online. I've missed the site.

  20. I love your site. I'm really just interested in royalty. There are so many sites devoted to Hollywood and it's hard to find a good one about royalty (like yours). Maybe you could have another one devoted to Hollywood separate from this one.

  21. Anonymous10/9/12 22:54

    Thank you very much for all comments:)

    1. Anonymous21/9/12 14:31

      We the viewers have to say thank you. I have been so sad not to see your blog anymore. It's great to have you again. Royals and or without Hollywood, this is your decision. Anyway I am watching your blog every single day. All the best to you. And once more THANK YOU for the great job.

  22. Anonymous11/9/12 06:06

    Love your site....i just love the great clothes so don't mind a bit of Hollywood, but mostly just like watching the royals. I wondered where you had disappeared to. So great you're back.

  23. Anonymous1/10/12 16:23

    Thanks for coming back!

  24. Anonymous11/2/13 19:37

    Gracias por estar de nuevo aqui. me encanta blog, y comparto la opinion de Mellie11 de septiembre 2012 a las 12:33 AM
    Porque no tener dos blog uno dedicado a la realeza y otro a Hollywood, personalmente me fascina el mundo de la realeza y creo sin temor a equivocarme que la mejor fotografía la tienes tu. En varias revistas muestran dos o tres fotografías pero tu blog es una maravilla por la calidad de las mismas.
    Encantada de que estes nuevamente y mil felicitaciones

  25. Hello again:)

    Nearly everyday I'm your visiter.

    When I see the blog was not on; I felt really bad. And I don't use the facebook, so I din't know what to do for a while...

    I wanted to write/reach to you and ask; When are you coming back, please let us know if it's possible or not?

    But I didn't know your e-mail adress.

    I hope we are together without any problem.

    And also I'm glad, now I know your e-mail adress.

    Next time I can write to you, Can't I?

    Thanks for everything.
    Nice to be together again.

  26. Contente de vous avoir retrouvé car j'ai pensé que votre blog était supprimé
    Bonne continuation et merci pour tout
    J'aime beaucoup "Hollywood"


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