King Charles III and Queen Camilla Arrive in Sydney, Australia

Queen Camilla wore a royal blue midi dress. Prime Minister Antony Albanese and Governor-General Sam Mostyn

King Charles III and Queen Camilla are on their first visit to countries outside the U.K. where Charles is the monarch, including a Royal Visit to Australia, a State Visit to the Independent State of Samoa, and attendance at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2024.

Queen Camilla wore a royal blue midi dress. Prime Minister Antony Albanese and Governor-General Sam Mostyn

On October 8, the King and Queen arrived at Sydney International Airport and were welcomed by Australian Prime Minister Antony Albanese and Governor-General of Australia Sam Mostyn. This is the first visit to Australia by a reigning monarch since 2011, when Queen Elizabeth II made her final trip. Charles and Camilla last visited Australia in 2018, when they represented the late Queen Elizabeth II at the Commonwealth Games.

Queen Camilla wore a royal blue midi dress. Prime Minister Antony Albanese and Governor-General Sam Mostyn

Queen Camilla wore a royal blue midi dress. Prime Minister Antony Albanese and Governor-General Sam Mostyn

Queen Camilla wore a royal blue midi dress. Prime Minister Antony Albanese and Governor-General Sam Mostyn


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. C'est un plaisir de voir le couple royal en voyage ; pje ne suis pas du tout étonnée m'attendais à être étonnée voir Camilla
    st très élégant surtout le roi

  2. Quel plaisir de voir le couple royal en voyage ; pas de changement de look chez Camilla au contraire de Charles toujours élégant après s'être remplumé !

  3. No hat on first day of state visit from British Queen! Her standards are already low, she needs every help she can get.

    1. Usually hats will not be worn for an arrival at night or later in the evening. Only during daytime. Please get yourself educated on dress protocol before commenting harshly.

    2. This is a very rude comment IMO. I like her outfit and I don't think that there is always a need for a hat to complement an outfit. Please be more careful with your words next time. I.P.

    3. She’s only at her best at weddings; I know she doesn’t want to outshine King Charles, but she can do better.

    4. Anon 16:34. Are you for real? Or did you forget to mark your comment as irony?

    5. .????

    6. Stop that, anon.16.34

    7. Please @16:34, give the woman a break.
      She has probably just spent a good 20 hours or more in an aircraft and arrives in the night and you expect her to be all dressed up to the nines with a hat.
      The first few days for the king and Camilla are going to be difficult as they have to deal with jet lag and a good 10 hours of time change. The weather should be kind to them as Australia is just coming into spring.

    8. This is not the first day of the state visit. The Royal couple arrived today and, because of the King's health, will have a day of rest before the start of the state visit

    9. Wow! How about giving Queen Camilla a chance to get her feet on the ground and to where they are staying. It is raining and at night too. She's nicely turned out in a beautiful dress. She's smiling and engaged with the people welcoming them. I think you are being harsh, Anon 16:34. The visit hasn't started yet. Janet

    10. P. the original19/10/24 09:07

      Anonymous 16:34

      Your comment sounds just like one written by somebody seeking for attention and waiting eagerly for any kind of feedback from others.
      Here you have my feedback too.
      It is crystal clear that you' ve never embarked on a long haul flight and know nothing about how any passenger- be it royal or not-( crews are used to this kind of situations , of course) feels after such a demanding journey.
      Did you really expect glitz, bling and fanfares from Q.Camilla?
      At night?
      Their Majesties are both in their seventies, so you won't see no exceptional energy from them on their arrival.
      I just applaud King Charles's sense of duty, which has led him so far away from home despite all he is passing through.
      I bet this trip won' t be easy for them due to sundry reasons.
      So, please, let them alone .
      It's so easy to comment on people travelling abroad when one is so comfortably seated and has loads of time on her hands all day long as you seem to have!

    11. I totally agree with the comment from 16:34, not about the hat but about her standards being already low, out of everyone there she is the only one using an umbrella even her husband is not using one and on the last photo she seems to be heading to the car, she knows they are in for a rough visit and probably not happy to be there, she doesn’t like this sort of things, Rem

  4. Basic uniform , pretty colour blue

    1. Keep an eye on the tall lady in the green pantsuit.
      She is Her Excellency Sam Moystn, the new Governor-General of Australia.
      She gave a pre-visit interview the other day and wore another pantsuit which was perfect, impeccable.
      I think her height helps a lot.

  5. She looks good in that beautiful blue color. Royal blue., kind of fitting. She looks tired. Not easy to travel at her age.

  6. Camilla is so sweet!

  7. Je sais bien que c'est le protocole anglais, mais je suis inconfortable de voir la reine Camilla (3 steps behind her husband), c'est tout de même une date âgée de 76 ans. Il me semble qu'elle mériterait plus de considération... à tout le moins en se déplaçant à ses cotés. Lorraine (Rose pseudo)

  8. Its wonderful to see the King and Queen back on our shores. Welcome your majesties. The Queen looks lovely in this shade of blue, and she is wearing the Australian Wattle brooch, which is one of the most beautiful brooches, so pleased she is wearing it.

    1. P. the original19/10/24 09:20

      Hello, Ava!
      Sorry for not being able to write back before.
      I hope you're doing well.
      I'm fine.
      Yes, I'm glad that their Majesties are back on your shores and let me say...
      What marvellous shores they are and what an amazing country Australia is!
      I Hope you' ll get a glimpse of the royal couple somewhere though I do not know what their schedule includes.
      Let us know something if you happen to see them, please!
      Hugs for you👍👋

    2. P. the original. Hi, and lovely to hear from you. So glad you are well. All good in this neck of the woods! The weather has improved and hopefully it will stay that way. Some parts of the country have been swamped with bad weather, but we are on the tail end of it now. Unfortunately, I won't be anywhere near where the royal couple will be but I will be looking and watching! There welcome, with the beautiful posting on the Opera House was a sight to behold, really stunning. I'm so pleased that was done, after all the terrible manners of our Premiers of the States, they certainly don't speak for the majority of Australians, just disgusting behavior. Looking forward to a wonderful visit from the King and Queen. Take good care, and its wonderful to see you posting here. Hugs

    3. P. the original20/10/24 09:50

      Hi, Ava, how nice It is to read your reply!
      I'm glad that bad weather Is on the tail end now and yes, I know what
      you mean.
      Some parts of Europe have been swamped by bad weather too and this affects a number of flights and routes enourmously as well.
      I'm sure that your Premiers of the States didn' t speak for the majority of Australians.
      That's ok if you won't t be able to see their Majesties in person .
      We' ll keep watching them throughout their trip on this blog and on the media!
      I feel huge admiration for King's Charles's sense of duty.
      I bet he's been preparing for this trip accurately and taking good care of him before leaving for Australia.
      Hope he' ll take enough time to rest at every step of his Australian visit.
      Q.Camilla looks glad and enganging in these pics.
      Thank you so much for your beautiful post.

  9. Why did our king and Queen have to walk down steep steps in rain no cover and why was Camilla seated in front seat of car no respect?

    1. Is this a serious comment? Are you afraid they will melt if they get wet? I'm sure it was prearranged where Camilla would sit. How do you get to disrespectful from her sitting in the front seat?

  10. Nothing will compare to Diana's style. Australians don't care for Camilla!

    1. Totally agree with you.

  11. I like this dress, a beautiful blue but, even more I like the brooch.

  12. God bless them.

  13. Queen Camilla looks lovely in this pretty blue dress. I cannot imagine how tired she and King Charles must be after this long flight. He's been undergoing chemo while recovering from surgery and will be 76 in a few weeks. She's 77 and has been working very hard, supporting her husband in additional public appearances, caring for her husband, and probably dealing with enormous stress and strain due to her beloved husband's illness. Kudos to both of them!


  14. She's not a queen

  15. I think it all depends on the country being visited, but in the U.S. the official welcome is not held at the airport, but at the White House lawn either the day after arrival or some other time. From what I've read, a lower level government official will be at the airport, but there are no ceremonies. So maybe this Australia welcome was lower-key because it was at night. I can't imagine after a long trip having to worry about a hat or wardrobe. I think Camilla was dressed perfectly fine. She's even wearing that beautiful brooch.

  16. King Charles probably has been allowed by his doctors to undertake such a long and demanding travelling. For someone who is not completely cured I do not understand that he took all these risks to travel to Australia. I am sure that the Australians understand it is not easy for the moment in the BRF to find someone who could represent the king.


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