King Charles released a photo of Queen Elizabeth to mark the anniversary of her death

Queen Elizabeth wearing her Garter robes and the Grand Duchess Vladimir's Tiara, made of 15 interlaced diamond circles

Today, September 8, marks the first death anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II. King Charles released a photo of Queen Elizabeth II to mark the first anniversary of her death. The photo of Queen Elizabeth II was captured at Buckingham Palace on 16th October 1968, as part of an official sitting granted to Cecil Beaton (1904-80).

The photo was first shown at the National Portrait Gallery between November 1968 and March 1969, as part of its first photographic exhibition 'Beaton Portraits 1928-68'.


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  1. Anonymous8/9/23 16:11

    I have always found Queen Elizabeth was a beautiful woman in her younger days. Don't misunderstand me, as I know the reactions already that she was a beautiful queen too when she was getting older. Yes she was. But I remember I liked to look at her pictures, in the press in the 50tees and the 60tees, when I was a child and a teenager. Rose

  2. Anonymous8/9/23 16:34

    What a beautiful choice of portrait KCIII has selected to honor his late mother. He has such an artistic eye. I love that HM is shown with that slight smile--rather different from other portraits of this type. To me KCIII is allowing us to see not only HM, The Queen but also a bit of his mother, the person with that glimpse of a smile.


  3. Anonymous8/9/23 16:39

    I ask myself why King Charles chose this portrait. Somehow it is not self-explanatory. To be a personal favourite of his, it is not intimate enough. And to be a favourite among her official portraits, this does not seem to me especially impressive - she has so many better ones. So just a word or two would have been nice. Because I miss her and for what she stood so very much, I would have expected more, in a way. But this is, of course, only me and very subjective. (GM)

    1. Anonymous9/9/23 08:43

      I understand why King Charles chose this portrait. When you look at her smile, her eyes smile too. Her face has such a natural expression. He must have memories of her when she smiled at him like that. Rose

    2. Anonymous9/9/23 11:32

      Well, at least a Da*ly M*il columnist is of the same opinion and says that the King has chosen from among so many excellent photos a boring one ... so I can trust my own perception somewhat more (even if I am alone with it here). It is a pity to show her in Buck Palace, where she never liked to live, with a somewhat awkward smile you can interpret in more than one way, and then in this Garter uniform that hides more than it shows of her person. Well, OK, I'll just forget it. (GM)

    3. P. the original9/9/23 13:16

      Anonymous 11:32
      This is probably the very first time we do see things the same way.
      Yes, you are right.
      That's why I think that you should not waste your talent.
      On the contrary, you should consider becoming a columnist of the gutter press👍, as I told you once.
      You' d have a fabulous career(you can just write that paper full name, don't worry)

    4. Anonymous9/9/23 15:30

      @ P. the Original: your hateful post says more about you than about me. Just try and be on topic. (GM)

    5. P. the original10/9/23 10:15


      you have no clue about what 'hateful' means.
      To be clear, It Is your usual kind of behaviour, not mine, so do not put other' s commentaries on the same level as yours.
      Try to understand and elaborate, instead.
      Please, at least have some respect on this post marking the first anmiversary of Queen Elizabeth' s death.
      Have some respect for a dead Person, please, given you seem to have no respect for other living royals or fellow- bloggers.
      This portrait was the King's choice and chosen by a son still in silent mourning .
      You know, if you do not have anything nice to say , better say nothing instead of drawing from the absurdities published in the gutter press to support your spiteful views
      I can understand that fashion is not your forte in any respect and it clearly shows in all of your baseless and senseless so- called fashion- centred commentaries on this blog.
      You are and always will be off - topic, since your personal hate, envy and rage have nothing to do with royals women's fashion choices (and also their occasional portraits in full regalia).
      As I have already said, old age dwells more in one's mind than in one's body and your comments give full evidence of all that.

    6. P. the original10/9/23 10:19

      Oh, Anon.15,30
      If you just can't t catch the irony in a comment , you' d better try not to reply next time.
      Thank you.

  4. Anonymous8/9/23 16:39

    Lovely picture: much more expression than most of her official portraits,

  5. Hard to believe that one year has passed. I still miss her a lot.

  6. P. the original8/9/23 17:58

    In loving memory of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

  7. Anonymous8/9/23 18:36

    The most beautiful queen.

  8. Anonymous8/9/23 20:21

    One year already. She is with her beloved Philip. May they rest in peace. css

  9. Maybe I'm the only one, but I still miss her

    1. Anonymous9/9/23 01:09

      You are not, I will always miss Her Majesty. Perfect Queen.

  10. Anonymous9/9/23 00:12

    I miss the queen

  11. I cannot believe one year has past. I miss her very much and Prince Phillip. May they rest in peace x

  12. Je me joins à différents commentaires en précisant que je ne suis pas la seule à qui, elle va manquer pendant longtemps !

  13. Anonymous10/9/23 01:25

    I can see why this photo of his mother would be a favorite photo of the King’s. I think it shows the Queen’s dazzling personality and also her regency.

  14. Anonymous10/9/23 16:33

    Miss the Queen, even though I never met her, have been privy to tours of all her major castles. Edwina

  15. Anonymous10/9/23 17:10

    I think this photo suggests the Queen emotionally. Her personality is taking over from the majestic regalia and glitter. She looks curious and approving. Something in the room has caught her eye and she is responding to it. I can see why the King chose it.

  16. Anonymous10/9/23 19:46

    She has been a Grand Lady and I believe the World will remember her this way. RIP josebabe


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