Princess Stephanie launched 2nd Hands of Masters exhibition

Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg attended launch of second "Hands of Masters" (De Mains De Maîtres) exhibition. Artists and artisans who want to exhibit their works at historical BCEE building will present their projects until March 30 and the exhibition with the theme "Gestures and Wonders" will take place between November 28 and December 3. At De Mains de Maîtres exhibition, creations made by masters are shown.
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg
Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg
  1. Wow.. today she's looking great! Dress could be a little longer.

    1. Why? She's a young, modern lady and looks fantastic. very elegant. No idea why the dress should be longer.

    2. Abba B, because if the dress was 2" longer her legs would sing. She has the very best legs of the group we are following but not the knees.

    3. :D I just see normal knees xD

  2. She's definitely looking good. More like this, Stephanie.

  3. wow, today Stephanie, is very beautiful, she has e good figure.
    please, give her someone to help in chosing her garderobe

  4. Lovely dress on Stephanie and her earrings are very pretty. She has a quiet, twinkling charm.

    1. Agree. Lovely and charming lady.

    2. Yes! Love the earrings and she looks lovely!

  5. Lovely outfit and a lovely princess!

  6. Yes, she looks wonderful! Beautiful colour for her!

  7. She looks fantastic.

    And I like how she looks on her husband at the first pic and how he looks at her, when she held her speech <3

  8. I have to admit that every time I see a picture of these two come up on here, I am looking for a pregnancy announcement. Other than that, she looks great and is such a pretty young lady.

    1. I admit that too!

    2. I recall when they were first married she made a statement that she wanted a few years of just them instead of starting a family immediately. She is true to her word it seems.

  9. ¡Que Bonita! Sencilla y elegante. Es novedoso verla asi vestida. Se ve genial y mucho mas joven.

  10. Great to see how this couple look at each other, so much love which is all that really matters.

  11. It is amazing how much Stephanie has changed over the last year. I remember when she wore horrible ill-fitting clothes and we would all implore her to get a stylist! Look at her now. She must have gotten that stylist! Lost weight, started wearing clothes that fit her and more modern and chic, etc. She now always looks fantastic.

  12. Stephanie surprise me again.She looks beautiful,polished and elegant during every event.Only thing which I am expecting is happy announcement...

  13. Stephanie est très belle et élégante!

  14. A very good business Outfit - simple and a becoming colour for her

  15. She looks adorable -- I wouldn't change a thing about her appearance. Discussion about pregnancies is very personal and often uncomfortable to the woman. It is really none of our business. As long as she and her husband are happy and content, nothing else should matter to the outside world. Obviuosly, I wish them the very best in life.

    1. I totally agree. Thank you!

    2. You are right, pregnancy or not is non of our business. But I do admit that nevertheless I am waiting for an announcement, because in a monarchy Stephanie is not - or at least not only - a private person. Private and official life are blurred. As she is the Hereditary Grand Duchess, she must fulfill a role. (That is only one reason why I never ever could lead a life like that...) Has not her husbands younger brother and his wife already have two children? I don't want Stephanie to be under pressure but I am afraid in her position she is.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. She is looking lovely, tratitional beauty and modern beauty in its best.

  17. Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg looks wonderful.


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