Crown Princess Mary Presented the 2017 EliteForsk Awards

Crown Princess Mary presented the awards of the EliteForsk at a ceremony at the Glyptoteket Art Museum in Copenhagen on February 23, 2017. The aim of Elite Research as an organisation is to highlight and encourage the efforts and achievements of young Danish researchers. Eliteforks, grants 100,000 danish kroner (approximately $15,000) and gives 20,000 danish kroner for their research with each award.
Crown Princess Mary wore Prada dress, Gianvito Rossi Patent Leather Pumps and carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana Latte Ostrich Clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Prada dress, Gianvito Rossi Patent Leather Pumps and carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana Latte Ostrich Clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Prada dress, Gianvito Rossi Patent Leather Pumps and carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana Latte Ostrich Clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Prada dress, Gianvito Rossi Patent Leather Pumps and carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana Latte Ostrich Clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Prada dress, Gianvito Rossi Patent Leather Pumps and carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana Latte Ostrich Clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Gianvito Rossi Patent Leather PumpsCrown Princess Mary carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana Latte Ostrich Clutch
                      Gianvito Rossi Leather Pumps                   Naledi Copenhagen Allana Clutch

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  1. She looks chic and elegant as always! But I must say I don't like the collar shape. Too much of a schoolgirls dress.

  2. Beige shoes and clutch don't go well at all with grey dress.

    1. Lizzie, I think it depends on the shade of the colours. Here it works.

  3. I agree, Coralie, about the collar. I thought that when I saw it in an earlier post.
    Love the outfit otherwise.Very appropriately dressed.
    It's cute that the guys received flowers!

  4. Mary in herself looks lovely, however, I am not fond of this dress. I find this style a little to prim and proper. I like retro looks, but something outfit just doesn't work in my opinion, perhaps it would look nicer with black pantyhose and shoes, not fond of the beige.

  5. Love the collar. She's gorgeous!

  6. Looking lovely as always.

  7. I like it! Usually not a fan of the collar but this one is not sewn to the neckline as in sewn flat. It has some "lift" and looks crisper.

  8. Schulmädchenlook de luxe, und so passend für eine VA, bei der Nachwuchsforscher geehrt werden! Graublauer Tweed, weißer Bubikragen, schwarzer Samtakzent sind Zutaten für den Collegelook. Hier wirkt er ladylike durch den figurbetonten Schnitt, die erwachsene Länge und die hochwertigen nudefarbenen Accessoires. Die Kombination gefällt mir!


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