Swedish Royal Family Summer Portraits 2016

King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander of Sweden attended the photo session for family summer portraits at Solliden summer Palace in Oland. (The royal family had invited some photographers to Solliden on Friday 15th July to take photos of the family) ( VIDEO )
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neil, Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander
Princess Madeleine wore Valentino Printed Silk Tie-Neck Top
VALENTINO Printed Silk Tie-Neck Top
Princess Madeleine wore Vince Stefania fawn suede wedge sandals
VINCE Stefania Wedge Sandals
Princess Estelle wore LIVLY DressPrincess Estelle wore LIVLY Shoes
                             Estelle: LIVLY Dress                                                     LIVLY Shoes


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  1. Leonore really is a handful!

  2. Little Leonore, as usual, runs off. She is full of energy and adventure and has to leave her parents and nanny utterly exhausted by the end of the day.

  3. Oscar ia going to be juust fine as Estelle, Alexander's gonna be one beautiful boy, Estelle is just perfect, Leonore being her usual self, a child, and Nicolas is like a mini version of her sister with that same blond hair.

  4. I love seeing photos of the family together, and seeing how involved everyone is with the children! Everyone's smiles look genuine and the ladies' outfits are lovely. It seems as though the light wasn't as flattering as it could have been that day, but that certainly can't be helped.

  5. I will go further and say Leonore may be a bit of a brat. Yep I said it. She never listens. Estelle is much more behaved even at a younger age. Leonore seems to do whatever she wants at every single event. They all just seem to be trying to appease her.

    Chris looks exhausted and not a happy camper at this photo op. I know how tiring it can be. I had 3 all in diapers and no family around. WOW. But none of mine were running from me every single time. Methinks Leonore is spoiled.

    Waiting for the haters now LOL

    1. Haha, did you see the video? Chris's face when Leonore runs away. Priceless. Seriously, I think you're right. He seems tired and both of them a bit tense as parents. It's not the photos, it's mainly the short videos, or Oscar's christening for example where you get the sense that Leonore is a tough nut, a real go-getter. No surprise for me, my elder sister is the same. First child, girl, spoiled and self trained to spot and capitalize on every small failing of my parents.
      But may we be absolutely wrong about it and she is an angel when out of the camera angle :)

    2. No I absolutely agree ! As beautiful and adorable as she is, it does seem to be,that there are very few boundaries, much to the despair of both her parents, going on the photos ! If Estelle can sit still, and has been doing so from a similar age to Leonore, maybe a little 'time out' is needed ! I had two under pre-school age, so I empathise!

    3. We see Leonore in her public appearances before the journalists and cameras. Her parents cannot restrain her as they might in private settings. That would be played up in the reporting and they would not want that. Keep that in mind. I don't think she is spoiled. She's not even 2 1/2 yet. She's a naturally happy and energetic little girl and as she grows older will learn to "restrain" her energy in the appropriate situations. Hopefully that energy will serve her well as an adult. Yes, Estelle was not like that at her age, but we all know babies are born with different personalities, temperments and energy levels. And, yes, I can see the fatigue in Chris' face. Perfectly understandable.

    4. No hate, Diane Brown, it's pretty much as you said. In the video, Christopher looks more annoyed than tired. Leonore is an active 2-year old, and if she's a brat, it's her parents' fault. Somehow tho I just can seem to warm up to Sofia, at times she looks like she's saying: "I got my prince, you peasants"

    5. I hope I'm wrong and I'm not a doctor, but Leonore may have ADD/ADHD. As a parent of such a child,I recognize the signs, even if it's just from photos. My son too had trouble keeping still unless something completely captured his attention. We used to blame ourselves and him for not behaving until we realized that it was neurological and beyond anyone's control.

    6. Get real! Leonore is 2-years-old. Children of that age love to run around, discover the world. Luckily they don't have to do it in front of the cameras and audience. Its weird how some people see "spoiled brat" and "hyperactive" child and others see happy and curious little girl.

    7. that's what I was thinking too Vanolla.

    8. Well I think as 99% said here that she is spoiled. Every photo and every video (even when she is not aware of it) she had a look on her face of total whineyness? Is that a word? Hehe. She always looks fussy to me. Running away from a parent is not good. I have not seen her stop once. Yes I know we see little clips but even my 2 yr olds knew they might run once but then they stopped.

      There is nothing wrong with saying no to a child in front of the camera. I have seen George being talked too and Estelle and you can see the firm but loving STOP THAT NOW. I never see Madeliene doing this. She laughs too. That is not good. Chris looks annoyed. Big time annoyed. I have seen both Daniel and Victoria look right into Estelles face and you can see she is being told NO. Leonore runs wild even in church. I have never seen them really trying to speak to her its more of look at this new toy ...a distraction which lasts 2 nanonseconds for her. She is old enough to learn some self control.

      Leonore is a beautiful child but they need to start reining that in now. Spoiled little ones grow into nightmare teen agers.

      As to the ADHD angle. Perhaps but I do not want to put that diagnosis on her yet. But she certainly shows some signs.

      What a handful. If they don't act soon they will have 2 terrors.

    9. I agree with most of the statements here. I feel Leonore is allowed to run wild when she is at home with no restrictions. Then when she is at 'official' events she continues to act this way. It's probably all this little toddler knows and thinks it is ok. Her parents should rein her in very very soon or she is going to be totally out of control. I think by the look on Chris' face he is embarrassed by her behaviour and wants to discipline Leonore but maybe Madeleine is more into letting her express herself. However (this is only my opinion) I think parents owe it to their children to instill discipline in them it helps with their self control. I believe that Estelle behaves beautifully because her parents have set appropriate boundaries from the beginning. Victoria and Daniel are both on the same page when it comes to Estelle's behaviour, one look and Estelle knows. Both Victoria and Daniel are great parents from what I can gather. Madeleine and Chris appear to have different opinions of bringing up their children.

    10. I totally agree. Spoiled brat! All kids go through the terrible two etc. however a firm hand is needed (even more so in public situations, no just photo calls) as you cannot have a child run off like that on a public street.

      I understand her parents frustration and their reluctance to discipline Leonore in public, however that may be necessary as number two will follow number ones lead.

      The Princess of Wales publicly disciplined her children and everyone knows how much she adored her two boys and how children everywhere seemed to be drawn to her. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with being a firm, but loving parent.

    11. Anonymous21/7/16 07:22

      really Diane?????? leonore spoiled brat!! just because shes a handful!!, yep kids can NEVER be the same, even siblings are different, you are being way too harsh on the poor girl you and your followers!!

    12. Oh dear! What is wrong with little child wanting to play and genuinely have fun?! That is what most little toddlers do the best. Leonore didn't ask for all this attention nor did she want to pose like monkey in the zoo.
      Why do we have to be so harsh and already give out labels? You can see from the video that there were times when Leonore was perfectly content to be at her mother's arms. Chris did right thing by letting her run around (Estelle looked miserable that she was not allowed to join).
      I think if Leonore still won't listen to commands when she's e.g 4 or 5, then its reason to worry but right now its too early to say that she's spoiled brat!

    13. As parent you know your child is not born with the knowledge on how to behave, it is your job as a parent to teach them boundaries, children don't just need boundaries they come to respect them, and grow and develop into well grounded young people! But that restraint must come at a young age ! No one's saying not to let children run around and have fun and burn off energy, what's being said, is that there is as with most things in life a time and a place to do that ! As pointed out, on a few occasions neither parent have been able to communicate with Leonore ! In the video it took Madeline Chris and CP to run after her ! Even Daniel was seen to be asking if he could assist ! It must be exhausting! No wonder Chris looks tired and slightly peeved !

    14. Oh zip it Sue. We all know that you can never have a discussion on your favorites. No one is attacking them. Its just chatter.

      My followers? That is hilarious in itself.

    15. This is little kid we are talking about! We should enjoy them and be thankful that we have them, however, every parent know you can't always count on their best behaviour, especially when they are in new environment and around strange people.

      Perhaps criticasters here have children who ALWAYS behave perfectly, NEVER take a wrong step or say wrong word. Well, congratulations! Applause!

      I cringed as I watched Madeleine feeling embarassed for Leonore. I'm sure she knew that everyone thinks she's a bad mother because her kid run wild and she can't control her. So should they ban Leonore from every event till she can sit still and won't cause annoyance?

      Every new parent struggle at first but soon they will learn that you have to be more resolute and take hold. I'm sure that these two will learn as they become used to parenthood. But sadly I think that some of the damage is done and many people think that she's spoiled brat no matter how she behaves in the future...

  6. Both Chris and Carl Philip looked tired. I think they would rather bypass the photoshoot. Leonore is being a typical 2 year old, although yes, Estelle was quieter and more mild mannnered at that stage. (Love the way Leonore was running from Madeleine)

  7. Ok, how to put it nicely... I sense kind of a gap in the dress code memo. Everyone, gents included, wear casual elegant. Even Madeleine's trousers are the summer citywear type. And here we have Sofia in jeans and... well... a pyjamas' top? And don't come with nonsense about that she just gave birth and is still breastfeeding because we have seen her a number of times dressed up since she gave birth. Also, a photo session like this is 10 minutes, tops (I just looked it up)). So she could have easily put on a nicer blouse like Maddie and change back to this blue thing afterwards, if it's for comfort (but she wears heels, so I feel a clash here with the need of comfort). This is an engagement scheduled long ago, she did have plenty of time to prepare. Also, her hair is unflattering, again. Why on earth does she think this heavily dyed, middle parted, ironed above, curled below style does her any good?? To be fair, Victoria is also prone to press down her hair in a very tight bun or ponytail and that's not flattering either, most of the time. But V's hair is of a natural colour at least and that makes the entire business somehow different. Sometimes I have the impression Sofia thinks putting on a piece of expensive clothing is the way to do it. She just can't, I don't know, compose herself? Hopefully she learns it with time. She has plenty of money and other support to do that so she really should.

    1. I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with you....but Prince Nicholas seemed to love Aunt Sofia's hair ;-)

  8. Anonymous20/7/16 16:08

    Look at 1:22 min and 4:56 min. Soo nice�� Especially when Nicolas touch Sofias hair

  9. Sofia could benefit from the assistance of a professional stylist. Her pants for this shoot were too tight. She wears good clothing, but often the pieces are not right for the occasion, are too short (or don't fit). There is definitely a discernible difference between the way she dresses - versus Victoria and Madeleine. Time to step and dress like the wife of a Prince.

    1. I thought quite the opposite. Madeleine's pants were dreadful. I thought how lovely Sofia looked in comparison. So much for "Royal" style I thought.

    2. Anonymous21/7/16 07:23

      theres absolutely NOTHING wrong with sofia dressing, in fact she looks glowing and healthy, since giving birth!!!

    3. Anonymous21/7/16 07:35

      sofia, actually has taken motherhood and her role very well, theres nothing wrong with her dressing, she looks healthy and glowing!!

    4. She is an attractive woman, but the pants were too tight. That's why they had the creases.

  10. Perfect summer family portrait in great coordination of colours .

  11. I agree with you Diane. I'm not being negative but I see it also.

    1. Right?

      I just think that everytime there is a photo shoot or a family event the adults spend their time trying to catch Leonore. That is a problem!

      Look at the photos all eyes on Leonore. Oscar's baptism...all eyes on Leonore make a fuss. Its ridiculous. And whoever said 'isn't it cute or fun to watch Madeliene chase Leonore". Are you mad? That is not fun. For a little bit. What if they are someplace public and she gets away? She could fall and get hurt anywhere
      Mom and Dad need to set down some rules SOON.

    2. I agree, Diane. It is sad how many negative replies one sincere comment can get. You seem like a person with experience.
      I hope I'm not rude, but it seems Victoria puts much more effort in raising her children than Madeleine. Vic and Dan are so calm...
      Anyway, it's nice to see such a big family!

    3. Sincere comment that says negative things about 2-year-old toddler and her parents. No one is denying that children need discipline, ground rules to follow and believe me that all parents are aware of it. Its different matter, however, how well and when the children get to bend to those rules. But now we read that Madeleine and Chris do not put effort in raising their children. Really?.
      Estelle was also running around when she was Leonore's age; now she's just older, more controlled and understading better rules. Besides Estelle gets different upbringing due to her position.

      So should the princess couple be so embaressed by their kids that no more public appearances for their kids till they can be totally oontrolled and won't run away? I can just say that I am happy that I did not have to grow up in front of the cameras, so every stranger could judge and condemn on my behaviour.

    4. Crown Princess Victoria can be lucky to have Westlings. I really like Prince Daniel's parents who always look so loving and caring. Its clear that Estelle enjoys being around with her paternal grandparents. Not sure how good is Chris's mother as a grandmother.
      I think that Madeleine and Chris are not stupid and they will learn to control their children as they get more deft at parenthood.
      And sorry if defending children being children sounded as negative comment to someone :)

    5. Nice comment Marianne.
      Everyone is too sensitive here. Of course we should let children be children, but sometimes their behaviour reflects how much their parents care about them and the way they raise them.
      The critics we talk about should not be taken as insults. Nobody insulted YOUR family Karl, in fact, I believe nobody wanted to insult anyone.
      I am sorry if I insulted anyone.

  12. I love the photos I love the swedish royal family .

  13. I've taught kindergarten for many years, Leonore is a typical 2 years old, active and curious(ADD? give me a break, you don't know what you're talking about!) Estelle is more atypical, quiet and well behaved, like they don't give her too much freedom to just be a little girl. Sofia is the youngest of the 3 princesses, and she was not raised with all the protocol and with all the money to dress "properly" for every occasion. Her hair is beautiful, and she looks great and she dresses her age, and obviously her husband loves the way she looks. Their son is the cutest!

  14. Wonderful pictures of Swedish royal family. All three little princes looked so sweet, each on their own way. You can see that Victoria, Madeleine and Sofia are very content and happy (if a little tired, like all new mothers). The King looks so grumpy that its almost comical.

    I do not get all this fuss about Leonore. If kids aren't allowed to be kids even at very young age (note: Leonore is two!), then when exactly do they get the chance to be a child?! Running amok when their hit thirty or forty??

    Yes, Leonore is running around but its not like she's being mean or agressive! She's not pulling out flowers, hitting dogs and people.
    Well, perhaps she has that hyperactivity thing but if she has, then her parents will search help. But my experience shows that active toddlers usually grow out of this stage. Expecting Leonore to behave like 4-year-old Estelle or the princes sounds quite unrealistic but hey, we seem to live in a world where everyone has to act to a certain standard...

    1. I agree with you Marianne!

    2. I have a feeling that some of us here are just so old that they don't remember how they were acting as a child! Or perhaps their parents were so controlling that they didn't dare to take any steps without their approval, so now they see every running-around child as spoilt and wrong?
      My father was like this - he believed that children should be neither seen nor heard and they should be strictly controlled. That was not a happy life and I was glad to leave home as soon as I could.

    3. LOL at too old. I assure you I am not too old to remember. I am not saying she should not be free to run and play. She should be...alot.. everyday! I let my kids roam freely but I also taught them to not run from me even at 2.

      Anyone can see that she is without any rules. All children need them. It may be true that Estelle is a more calm child but even she has been seen to be talked to by her parents when younger. I have seen all the parents of all the houses we watch talking to their kids. But no one ever tells or seems to tell Leonore anything. Instead the entire family is running after her. All eyes are on her... and she just keeps on. They hand her a toy. A gentle no is appropriate. Giving her a toy each time is reinforcing bad behavior. Not saying running is bad behavior. But running away and not listening is bad behavior. It will only get worse.

      She is adorable but they need to start with her now. She is old enough. George at 2 was running at Charlottes baptism. William stopped bent down and you could see he was telling to stop and behave... Kate bent over as well. Diana did it. I have seen CP Mary do it. Etc etc.

      No onr is saying a child should not be having fun. But comes a time when a child needs rules.

  15. Many young children like to be chased and laugh when they are caught.
    That is their play !
    Stop inventing wrong things about beautiful ,full of life little girl.

    1. that little girl has been misbehaving even before she was 2 years!

  16. nice too see them out loving the Swedish royal babies hmm I have a bit of question how month old is prince alexander

    1. Prince Alexander is three-months-old; he was born April 19th.

    2. Prince Alexander was born on 19 April 2016, so he's 3 months old.

  17. Just wait in a year or two and the little princes are also running around like Leonore. What a mad house that is going to be with Nicolas, Oscar and Alexander running around at photo calls!

  18. I think Leonore is just hitting the 'terrible two's', so much to do and see for her and she is building her own character and testing her fierce personality with her parents. Perfectly normal, I do remember this from my twins, it passed when they were 4/5 and now are well behaved 8th year olds. Very exhausting times for parents though.

  19. Looks like a totally normal family with 5 small kids. The only reason all 5 weren't running around is because some of them don't walk yet. Wait and see what happens in a few years.

  20. I cannot believe all those nasty comments of Leonore. She is just two years old child. I think she behaves just like normal curious child in that age does. Also I think here in Nordick Countries we keep our kids less formal way. But of course I know nothing, I had just five kids myself.

  21. Leonore is only little girl with spirit. Let she runs if she wants to. Horrible for a little girl to be on show like cattle. She is the only one that is natural and don't look and behave like it is a funeral or this forced summer photographs.


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