Princess Victoria attends the Veteran Reserve Foundation's board meeting

On May 25, 2016, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden attended the board meeting of the Crown Princess Margareta's Veteran Reserve Foundation (Kronprinsessan Margaretas Landstormsfond) at the Royal Palace in Stockholm. Crown Princess Margareta's Veteran Reserve Foundation supports objectives relating to voluntary defence work. Crown Princess Victoria chairs the foundation.
Board of Directors of the Foundation Princess Margareta's Landstormsvägen Fund meeting at the Royal Palace. Crown Princess Victoria wore Ralph Lauren pumps
Board of Directors of the Foundation Princess Margareta's Landstormsvägen Fund meeting at the Royal Palace. Crown Princess Victoria wore Ralph Lauren pumps
In August 1914, Crown Princess Margareta took the initiative for a committee which was given the name The Crown Princess' Central Committee for Clothing and Equipping the Veteran Reserve.
Crown Princess Margareta (1882-1920). Photo from the Bernadotte Library's archive.

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  1. Great outfit! She is already slim again!

  2. That top looks like surgical scrubs - only it is not blue.

    1. Funny, but I thought the same :D
      Sorry to say it but the top looks ugly and shapeless, and it makes CPss Victoria look bigger than she is!

  3. I am sure the crown princess wanted a bit of summer-feeling. But it does not fit together. But I like the Kachelofen behind her, I do.

  4. Je n'aime pas du tout la tenue de la princesse héritière Victoria. Juste un collier aurait amélioré un peu le tout.

  5. Et toujours l'horrible non coiffure!

    1. Je pense que vous avez le bon terme: non coiffure. En fait, c'est exactement cela. Je déteste cette façon de s'attacher les cheveux qui étire le visage. Dans le cas de la princesse Victoria, ce n'est guère flatteur. Elle n'a pas les traits aussi beaux que sa soeur, la princesse Madeleine et cette coiffure, ou plutôt non coiffure, n'améliore pas le tout. Dommage, elle est toujours tellement si souriante. Plus de souplesse pour la chevelure serait bien.

  6. Like it. Not a fashion statement, but nice, normal outfit for spring. Only see one problem...the toes ;)

    1. Seem as if she buys her shoes at least one size too small.

  7. The rpyal palace has sent out press release about Oscars Godparents :
    H.K.H. Crown Prince Frederik
    H.R.H. Crown Princess Mette-Marit
    H.R.H. Princess Madeleine
    Oscar Magnuson, son of Princess Margrethe of Sweden
    Hans Åström


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