Princess Madeleine held a party for 'Min Stora Dag'

Princess Madeleine held a party with the theme of Fairytale for Min Stora Dag

On February 22, 2016, Princess Madeleine of Sweden held a party with the theme of "Fairytale" (Sagokalas) for Min Stora Dag at the Royal Palace. 12 children between the ages of 5-8 coming from all over the country attended the "Fairytale" party with princess outfits.

Princess Madeleine held a party with the theme of Fairytale for Min Stora Dag

Min Stora Dag is a non profit non governmental organization. Min Stora Dag organizes activities for the needs of the young people between the ages of 4-18 who have been diagnosed with a serious ilness and are staying at the pediatrics clinics of Sweden. These activities may be attending a camp without parents, a concert or a musical, a football game or a special day full of special activities.

Princess Madeleine held a party with the theme of Fairytale for Min Stora Dag

Princess Madeleine held a party with the theme of Fairytale for Min Stora Dag

Princess Madeleine held a party with the theme of Fairytale for Min Stora Dag

Princess Madeleine held a party with the theme of Fairytale for Min Stora Dag

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous22/2/16 18:19

    Why estelle dont et the party

    1. I was thinking the same thing; where was Princess Estelle? It would've been good to see both Princesses Estelle & Lenore at the Party.

    2. Anonymous23/2/16 07:31

      Perhaps Estelle was sick...

    3. She most probably was in school

    4. Anonymous23/2/16 14:54

      She is there! Look closely! She is in 2 of the pics front and center

    5. Anonymous24/2/16 09:48

      Anynoumos 4:54, she is not there. Only princess Leonore from the kids of the royal family.

  2. Anonymous22/2/16 18:23

    It is really nice, that she dressed like a princess for the children. They all had an fairytale appointment amongst princesses and Madeleine chose her Nobel-Gala dress, incl. the tiara. She's simply special.

  3. Anonymous22/2/16 18:24

    Her daughter was with Madeleine. Dressed as a fairytale pricess. Sweet. Kate would never ever do that. Pity!

    1. Anonymous22/2/16 19:16

      And you know this because. . . . ? (Just wondering what was the rationale for dragging Kate into this particular event. . . . )

    2. Anonymous22/2/16 19:36

      My god!!! Chief - was just a thought, a comparison! Next time I ask you before I post anything. Happy now?

    3. Anonymous22/2/16 19:56

      So annoying. Kate has nothing to do with this post and there is always one troll.

      By the way jus to last week some were complaining that Madeline doesn't do enough and some were bashing. Now she is golden and Kate is a 'bad ' royal.

      Grow up!

    4. Anonymous22/2/16 20:15

      Well said anonymous @ 9.16pm !

    5. Anonymous22/2/16 21:15

      Glad to see that I am not the only chief prosecutor in here. Thanks Anon 9.16.. maybe we can tag team now (Anon 9.56)


    6. Anonymous22/2/16 21:18

      There was NO REASON TO COMPARE ANON 9.36. Do you regularly compare people? We are all individuals and we should not be comparing anyone.

      Just saying.

      No need for snarky comments.

    7. Anonymous22/2/16 21:24

      Anonymous February 22, 2016 at 9:56 PM
      I wasn't amongst those who were bashing Madeleine! Please stop with wide generalizations and let people express what they want!

    8. Anonymous22/2/16 22:12

      Anonymous February 22, 2016 at 11:18 PM
      What an overbearing manner!!
      Obviously at home on the far left.

    9. Anonymous23/2/16 00:59

      Far left? What are talking about?

      And at Anon 11.24 I don't see where the 9.56 person said that it was everyone... he/she said 'some'.

      I did not take it personally at all. They are right depending on the day some SO ME pick on the person (royal) and other days they are wonderful. It's like they can never win.

    10. Anonymous23/2/16 07:34

      Of course Kate Will never do that. But please we have already enough about this lazy one and her equally lazy husband. Let us enjoy the others.
      Madeleine is beautiful and look at those smiles. Little girls are living their dreams. So cute.

    11. Anonymous23/2/16 08:12

      Are you really shure that this event is helping chidren to grow up to mature adulds? ...just illusions...magic world...not work

    12. Those who post nasty comments, must expect to get called on it.

      When called out, many on this blog plead for the freedom to “express their opinion”. It seems to me that what they really mean is the “freedom to make mean and b****y comments about royals (and readers), without being criticized.”
      Everyone has the right to express their opinion; BUT no-one has a “right” to be nasty. All societies have conventions for debate of contentious issues and the “expression of opinions”. The most basic convention is: show respect for others. This standard exists in order that the actual issues being debated do not get buried and lost under a slew of hostile emotions-- which we have all seen on this blog, and far more often than is necessary:(

      I am not a “Kate-lover”. There are other royals whom I much prefer. But I am automatically on the side of the underdog. For years now, Kate has been living through one of most unwanted of all the “privileges” of being royal -- that of having mud thrown at her by her fellow citizens, and her reputation trampled — all the while never being allowed to publicly explain or defend herself. She (and she is not the only one) has to put up and endure vilification in complete silence. Not for her the freedom to “express her opinion”. That freedom is enjoyed by you and me, and of course celebrities (who are all over social media 24/7, arguing their opinions and loudly defending themselves against their detractors) but royals? they are effectively gagged for life.

      If you are going to plead for tolerance and acceptance for your criticism, consider your words. Does your comment sound mean-spirited? like what a grumpy/ sarcastic/ironic Kate-basher would say, someone who has a chip on their shoulder and an axe to grind? You don’t have to like Kate; but if you want your Kate criticism treated with respect, (and it seems, judging from the indignant responses, that some of you do) it needs to phrased with respect. The manner in which you express yourself is a choice - and there is, always, more than one way to make your point.

    13. Anonymous 10:12. What a comment! Those children are sick. Part of them will never be adults. Event like that will carry them over many nasty times. Your comment is so silly.

    14. Anonymous 10:12. What a comment! Those children are sick. Part of them will never be adults. Event like that will carry them over many nasty times. Your comment is so silly.

    15. Anonymous23/2/16 15:02

      Anon 10.12 how very awful. What a ugly comment. This ishould exactly what these children needo in a world filled with needles and hospitals and being sick and death perhaps looming.

      Magick is everywhere! How very dull your life must be in your gray world.

      A24-45 brava!! Well said! As one of the accused chief prosecutors I have to say you are spot on! I don't idolize any of these people. I just like to watch them. But I never make a personal attack on may of them. Kate does take a hit on this site daily. It's rearly not fair at all. We don't know them we don't know what goes on behind the scenes. It is so very mean spirited to always bash her or make ridiculous assumptions. I can totally see Kate doing this kind of thing. Do people not see that her big cause is children? Mental health? Some are just shallow I suppose. Anyway grazie.

  4. Anonymous22/2/16 18:30

    wonderful idea. its so lovely to see all this smiling faces

  5. That looks so fun. This time full points to Madeline.

  6. Anonymous22/2/16 18:41

    This was a very, very fun party for some sick Children and a very nice gesture from the Royal Court and Min stora dag. Thank you for that!

  7. Anonymous22/2/16 19:38

    True fairytale princess. True fairytale party.
    Wonderful event. Dream come true for many children.

    1. Anonymous23/2/16 08:03

      Nowadays children are not that stupid.

  8. This is so beautiful! Other monarchies should also do something similar. I'm speechless.

    1. Anonymous23/2/16 14:17

      Shame Lassie, other royal houses do more than this. Well done to Princess Madeleine. Nothing to be speechless about, Lassie. Pity you use the name Lassie. I used to enjoy all the Lassie movies, but since your nasty comments I don't want to watch the movies anymore

    2. Anonymous24/2/16 16:13

      Seems like you're reading your own hostility into Lassie's comment. Enough of the nastigrams!

  9. Its so lovely to see all this smiling faces!

  10. Anonymous22/2/16 20:19

    Ich bin sprachlos und ziehe meinen Hut vor ihr. Ich finde es großartig, dass sie da mitmacht und den kranken Kindern so ein besonderes Ereignis bietet inklusiv Tiara! Schön, dass auch Jungen dabei waren.
    I am speechless. Well done. Wonderful that there are boys there, too.

  11. Anonymous22/2/16 21:07

    Not everyday one will see a princess in a full gala outfit playing on the floor with children... Special day indeed for the kids! Spot on initiative which hopefully will be a yearly recurrent event for other special children to be invited to. :-)

  12. Anonymous22/2/16 21:28

    Kate Gabor hat übrigens die Fotos gemacht. Was mich ein bißchen wundert, weil sie normalerweise immer nur Estelle vor der Linse hat. Aber vielleicht war sie sowieso gerade im Schloss, um die Geburtstagsfotos der Kleinen zu schießen. Wetten!?

  13. Anonymous22/2/16 21:40

    Quel événement charmant! J'adore!

  14. Anonymous22/2/16 22:15

    I would like to see Princess Madeleine as queen consort of a Monarchy,but....

  15. The children, including Leonor in front in pink skirt, all look so happy. Too bad there could not be a costume or something, a crown, maybe, for the little boys, but they look like they all enjoyed the party.

  16. Anonymous23/2/16 00:42

    I love this party! : ) This is very special for the kids!

  17. Anonymous23/2/16 00:47

    What a beautiful idea, sweet, everlasting memories for the children.

  18. Anonymous23/2/16 00:51

    Too cute! Beautiful Leonore!

  19. Anonymous23/2/16 02:23

    This photos are really warms my heart. Princess Madeleine is not only beautiful to look at but she must have the soul of the angel.

  20. Anonymous23/2/16 06:12

    Seeing HRH Princess Madeleine in full gala outfit playing on the floor with children...this is so sweet, heartwarming, and touching.
    I have a feeling that the children will remember this day long, long time. They all look so happy and it was true fairytale party!

  21. Anonymous23/2/16 07:02

    When I read from the court calendar that there will be a fairytale party, then I did not expect it to be so grand.
    I'm impressed. I'm sure the children were as much impressed - to meet real princesses (Madeleine in her real gala gear, including the tiara and amazing jewellery), to play with them, eat princess cake, with amazing scenery around you..., yes, it was special party and wish come true for many children :)
    I wish they would make this yearly tradition. Somehow Madeleine looks so natural around children.

  22. I think there should not be any "anonymous" here. Just own up and tell your name/nickname or whatever. Is so hard to follow comments...ANONYMOUS THIS AND ANONYMOUS THAT...SHEESH.

    1. This anonymous thing here make all the mean comments even much meaner, when they are yelled completely from bushes. Would be much better if everybody needs to have a nickname.

    2. Anonymous23/2/16 18:45

      BlondiiniFebruary 23, 2016 at 2:06 PM
      How to create a profilte with a Nickname? In few words. Very kind of you. Cheerio

    3. Kteach and Blondiini, I totally agree.
      Hi all you “Anonymouses”, how about it? leave behind your shady same-name associates (trolls and the like), come on out from underground and join us. You’ll find commenting a lot more interesting!

    4. When you want to write a message there are options under writing box:
      Google account, LiveJournal, WordPress, Typepad, AIM, OpenID, Name/URL, Anonymous. Several of those options have nickname posibilliyty. I use myself Google account.

      I tied to put here straight links to those pages, but my messages were denied. Go to google and put there either google account or LiveJournal account, you get to their first pages. You just put there your existing e-mail address, choose a nickname and password, nothing else. Google account is the same for YouTube.

      Only problem is that at this site blogger wants to accept mails with these accounts, so it takes a little time to get them published. I hope she could let them published straight, I think the meanest comments will always be those anonymous ones so far they are permitted.

    5. Chief Prosecutor24/2/16 12:57

      Not sure why using Anon is any different than a made up name? I use Anon and I am not troll. Nor am I shady. I just don't want to use my real name . I try to keep myself private. Nor do I want to have yet another site to worry about. But to make you all happy I will make up a name. Which is a lie. Which is apparently ok with the lot of you. Maybe I will use many names. Just to keep it interesting. Lol

    6. First of all it gives you some kind personality. All others know that you write certain messages of all the anonymous messages. To answer is much easier, we others can just type your nick or first letters, you know what are answers to your comments. Really no need at all to put there your own name.

    7. I use this nick Blondiini all over. I got it as a nick name in real life years ago (I was young pretty blond with big boobs, a real stereotype of stupidity) , as a joke. Everybody knew I was really smart and very technically talented, all but a stereotype blond really. So my workmates started yelling laud little blond to help them in technical matters.

  23. Anonymous23/2/16 08:37

    Madeleine is really a fairytale princess!

  24. Anonymous23/2/16 09:40

    Ha ha.....a fairytale in a new world.I agree

  25. Lovely that Madeleine also dressed up "as a princess", the kids must have loved it! Wonderful idea, and hopefully a bright memory for these kids that normally stay in paediatric clinics.

  26. Anonymous24/2/16 06:36

    Such a wonderful event for sick children! Princess Madeleine looks as though she is really enjoying herself too, which is lovely.

    I think Sweden is blessed with both Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine!

  27. Anonymous24/2/16 15:13

    Children wanted to meet princess. Meet the princess they did.
    I love that Madeleine went for full gear, including sash and tiara. For her these children were as important as any other guest of honor. Very sweet.

  28. Full gala dress for children: Madeleine is simply awesome!


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