Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attend Swedish Sports Gala

Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016. (Swedish Sports Awards (Svenska idrottsgalan) is a show organized every January in order to honor the successes of Swedish athletes. At this event, awards are presented to last year's successful athletes).LIVE - RED CARPET
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended Swedish Sports Gala (Svenska idrottsgalan) organized by Swedish Sports Academy in Stockholm Ericsson Globe Arena on January 25th, 2016.
Princess Sofia Wore GRETA Martha Silk Gown
GRETA Martha Silk Gown
Princess Sofia style ZARA Golden Horseshoe Earrings
ZARA Golden Horseshoe Earrings

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  1. Anonymous25/1/16 17:23

    Sehr stilvoll, sehr dezent. Sofia sieht sehr gut aus.

    1. Anonymous25/1/16 18:37

      Dress seems to be from Greta, Martha Gown.

    2. Anonymous25/1/16 18:54

      Korrekt. Absolut! Danke für die Information.

  2. Un peu triste la robe de Sofia

  3. Sofia looks just enchanting.

  4. Anonymous25/1/16 18:39

    She stands on the hem of the dress.....

    1. Anonymous25/1/16 21:24

      That's only one thing she stands on.

  5. Anonymous25/1/16 19:12

    Why do you delete "negative" comments about Sofia? Is this community a legal black hole and freedom of speech is a foreign word???

    1. Anonymous26/1/16 10:31

      Yes, they also delete one comment I sent two days ago about Sofia and it was not a bad comment .It was only a comment .

    2. Anonymous26/1/16 18:20

      Anonymous January 26, 2016 at 12:31 PM
      Bye bye freedom of speech ;)

  6. Anonymous25/1/16 19:13

    Wow, Princess Sofia looks sensational. Love her dress.

    1. Anonymous25/1/16 21:47

      Her hairdo looks ridiculous.

    2. Anonymous26/1/16 09:12

      Her hairdo looks great.

    3. Anonymous26/1/16 18:23

      that's neither one thing nor the other!

  7. Anonymous25/1/16 20:18

    What a lovely couple, wow!

    1. I've seen better looking couples, and I find the hand-holding at a public function a trifle ridiculous

    2. Anonymous25/1/16 23:47

      Awww! Won't anyone hold your hand, Lizzie?

    3. Anonymous26/1/16 08:32

      Ok, so since we here are talking of swedes when Victoria holds Daniels hand it's ridiculos(as we have seen on Nobel and other functions) or is it just when S and CP show how they feel about each other?? Even royal are allowed to show love for each others in public, get a grip!

    4. Anonymous26/1/16 09:18

      I never said they are the best looking couple ever - only that they look lovely. Don't you have anyone to hold your hand? Sad.

    5. Anonymous26/1/16 18:07

      They're newlyweds Lizzie lighten up! Young love is always cute.

    6. Anonymous27/1/16 13:38

      Would hate being part of Lizzie's family!

  8. Anonymous25/1/16 20:24


  9. Anonymous25/1/16 20:29

    ils sont beaux tous les 2

  10. Anonymous25/1/16 21:45

    ...i don't like her hair...nothing special at all...for all this money!

  11. Anonymous25/1/16 22:02

    It is not a pregnancy gown, therefore it's oversized and doesn't fit to the upper body and she walks on it when she moves. No, I don't like it.

  12. Anonymous26/1/16 06:45

    I really do like the dress. Its so pretty and suits her pregnant shape so well (she's still so slender).
    I just wish the backround (or dress color) had been different--when she pose for the cameras, then the midnight blue color of her dress helped her so nicely fade into the background...
    I have to agree with previous comments - her hair look bad! The earrings were ugly. This dress requires more sophisticated hairdo and earrings!
    But at least she's trying ;-)

  13. Anonymous26/1/16 08:30

    I don't understand the negative comments. I think they look lovely. The gown is beautiful on her.

    1. Anonymous26/1/16 18:27

      AnonymousJanuary 26, 2016 at 10:30 AM
      You needn't have to, dear. Just take it as it is: A personal opinion, which doesn't have to match with yours.

  14. Anonymous26/1/16 08:41

    Apparently some Sofia haters here, since we must admit that there is nothing wrong with either the dress, hair or anything else on this pictures!

    1. Anonymous27/1/16 10:50

      When people say something not so positive about Sofia, then why it makes them Sofia haters???
      I really like Sofia's s-i-l's Victoria and Madeleine but when I see something about them that I do not like, then I say so. Why I shouldn't do the same with Sofia?! Because she must be protected because of her past actions?

    2. Anonymous27/1/16 11:36

      Because it is so transparent that it is the person Sofia some do not like. As a lady a bit further up complaining that they hold hands, now she has admitted in another thread that is Sofia and CP she don't like ...some royals can never win and Sofia is one of them...

  15. Anonymous26/1/16 09:11

    Her hair looks stunning, very beautiful. Elle est magnifique!

  16. Anonymous26/1/16 09:33

    I like her dress. The purse, the earrings and the hairdo do nothing for her.
    But she seems really secure and at ease with her new life and above all it's very pleasant to see.

  17. Anonymous26/1/16 14:03

    Toilette un peu triste pour une jeune princesse !

  18. Anonymous26/1/16 15:05

    Very good look for a mom to be. Her hair is gorgeous, and the sequined clutch is such a nice touch. Also, for those wondering why they're holding hands, they were just married in June 2015 and - obviously they are in love!

    1. Anonymous26/1/16 19:03

      Bien d'accord avec vous 17H05,Marieet Joachim , Philippe et Mathilde
      Hakoon et Mette se tiennent toujours par la main et il sont mariés depuis longtemps, alors pourquoi critiquez ce jeune couple

  19. I never see Kate and Will holding hands, nor anybody in the British royal family. I hope they are not setting a precedence for physical contact, it's sad. Kate could use some help carrying those kids down the airplane steps. Back to Carl and Sophia, they are so happy and she is giving more than 100% to her new Princess duties and appearances, she's all over the place in photos, traveling and giving out diplomas at graduations. I would be exhausted. She's really giving it her all.

    1. Anonymous26/1/16 20:20

      americanmum January 26, 2016 at 8:07 PM
      Well....isn't it that what we all can expect from the new "princess"? To work hard for all the benefits she get's for free?

    2. Anonymous27/1/16 09:38

      You better Tell that to Kate Who earns much more compares to Sofia and works less by far.

  20. true Anonymous. I think she would get it either way so she pulled out all the stops and she's working overtime. Expecting can be a no win situation because the other person has no idea what you are sitting at home assuming. It leads to disappointment and mixed feelings and confusion. I'd rather be positive, she's lovely. I expect to read lovely things about her new life, good for her.

  21. They look so much in love, beautiful couple.


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