New Photographs of Norwegian Royal Family - Skaugum

Historical family photo of the Norwegian Royal family, taken on the occasion of King Harald's 25th enthronement anniversary: King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette Marit, Princess Märtha Louise, Ari Behn, Princess Ingrid Alexandra, Prince Sverre Magnus, Leah Isadora Behn, Emma Tallulah Behn and Maud Angelica Behn at the Crown Prince Couple´s residence at Skaugum in Oslo, Norway.
King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette Marit, Princess Märtha Louise, Ari Behn, Princess Ingrid Alexandra, Prince Sverre Magnus, Leah Isadora Behn, Emma Tallulah Behn, Maud Angelica Behn
Princess Ingrid Alexandra, Prince Sverre Magnus, Leah Isadora Behn, Emma Tallulah Behn, Maud Angelica Behn

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  1. Anonymous16/1/16 22:41

    Martha Louise and Ari lovely family cute children. The King and Queen look relaxed.

  2. Anonymous16/1/16 22:54

    magnifique reine Sonja

  3. Anonymous17/1/16 00:43

    Beautiful family pics, thank you for sharing them.

  4. The boy Sverre never looks glad or happy. He looks like he resents his sister being next in line for the throne after his parents.

    1. Anonymous17/1/16 11:56

      This comment is to stupid to answer, but it's a 10 year old boy your talking about! A very happy mischievous little boy. They are still kids and not sure how to act in situation like this. Give them some credit and let them at least grow up before you start criticise and fantasise about them.

    2. Anonymous17/1/16 12:39

      Your French mentality is so off. He's only a little boy...resentment? Let the child be.

    3. Lizzie plaisantait ,je ne sais pas qu'elle est votre nationalité pas synonyme d'humour!

    4. I agree with you AnonymousJanuary 17, 2016 at 1:56 PM. He really looks mischievous and happy.

  5. Very interesting shots, especially of the children, all growing up so fast.
    I wonder who the women in red is in pic 2: could it be Princess Astrid?

    1. Anonymous17/1/16 11:26

      Woman in red is Queen Margrethe of Denmark

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. She is Queen Margrethe of Denmark!

    2. She is Queen Margrethe of Denmark!

  7. Anonymous17/1/16 10:12

    Nice family photo. I wonder if Märtha-Louise´s and Ari´s girls chose their clothes themselves - they seem to have the same extravagant taste like their parents.

  8. Anonymous17/1/16 11:14

    Ein schönes Foto!
    Hilfe, was trägt denn Maud Angelica Behn für schreckliche Kleidung. Sie sollte sich ein Beispiel an ihrer Cousine, Ingrid Alexandra, nehmen. Oder verwechselt sie das Thronjubiläum mit Karneval?

    1. Anonymous17/1/16 13:28

      Let children be children, your criticme can wait until they get adult. You should never ever criticise children not yours and not the royals.

    2. Anonymous17/1/16 19:16

      Anonymous January 17, 2016 at 1:14 PM
      Oh ja, HILFE!!! Kein Wunder, dass der "Storch" beim Familienbild in den Hintergrund verbannt wurde. Sie würde das Foto mit diesem Karnevals-Outfit völlig ad Absurdum führen...

    3. Anonymous17/1/16 19:42

      vous ne montez jamais au créneau quand certaines personnes critiquent les enfants du couple héritier danois
      un enfant reste un enfant prince ou pas et laissons les grandir toutes ces petites princesses ou princes

    4. Anonymous17/1/16 22:32

      @Anonymous 9:16 PM
      Witzig, war auch mein Gedanke, dass Maud deswegen in die letzte Reihe hinters "Sofa" gestellt wurde ;-)

    5. Anonymous18/1/16 06:43

      Must be dreadful to be your kids...

    6. Anonymous18/1/16 17:45

      Anonymous January 18, 2016 at 8:43 AM
      We only speak of FACTS!

    7. Anonymous19/1/16 07:38

      So when your kids hear this from other kids they are only expressing the facts. Good to know! Look yourself in the mirror and ask do I wnat my kids to get comments like this? As long as we talk about kids we can be nice, and keep or mouth shout! When they are adult trash them all you wnat if it makes you feel better!

    8. Anonymous19/1/16 10:26

      Anonymous January 19, 2016 at 9:38 AM
      Sorry I disagree with you, this is "misinterpreted motherly love" to hide "negative" comments and true facts from kids, in order to "protect" them. Kids must learn, that life is not all guns & roses.
      End of story.

    9. Anonymous19/1/16 10:40

      AnonymousJanuary 19, 2016 at 9:38 AM
      Why isn't it possible to just express ones opinion here? I think nobody wants to "trash" anybody, but only wants to express an own opinion. Child of adult, what's the difference to name facts?

    10. Anonymous20/1/16 09:43

      Would you say negative comments to child's face or only when your face is hidden?

  9. Anonymous17/1/16 13:11

    Why isn't Marius in the picture? And before people point out he is not part of the Royal family, I know; but he is usually part of all the family photos.

    1. Anonymous17/1/16 15:57


    2. Anonymous17/1/16 16:09

      Why? Maybe he had other engagements. After all he is a young man. Aaah youth... remember that time in your life ;)

    3. Anonymous20/1/16 15:14

      Marius was at a party on his school.

  10. These family photos- where's Marius Borg Hoiby.

  11. Anonymous17/1/16 19:43

    Marius devient un bien beau jeune homme il ressemble à sa maman et il est le plus beau de la fratrie

  12. Anonymous18/1/16 04:50

    Love to se Märtha Louise and her children in pixs as a part of The Royal Family!

  13. Anonymous18/1/16 09:43

    The blue dress of the young girl is a horrible fashion mistake, the cut, the colour, that transparent part, the red stockings make it even worse, totally inapproriate for a girl at that age and for the occasion. When my daughter was that age I would let her choose her outfit herself, but she already had a sense of style and colour and an understanding of what is right for the occasion.

  14. Anonyme 11h43.
    Vous devez être stylistes de mère en fille ,ou bien votre fille n'avait pas dans son armoire de quoi être une vraie ado provocatrice . J'ai été obligée de céder à une tenue que je désapprouvais ou ma fille ne serait pas venue à un baptême ..( la nurse anglaise était absente) .Elle a tout de même eu le bac avec mention très bien .


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